I had a great time spending the Saturday morning with Lawton, Lisa, Nolan and Lisa's mom; they are a really photogenic couple and Nolan takes after them. His expressions are priceless and he knows how to work the camera. A natural.
It's always a joy for me to witness the love and bond that is formed between parents and baby and it is very evident to see the joy that Nolan has brought Lawton and Lisa. You can see it in their eyes and body language as well as in their own words.
It was such a joy and privilege for me to be able to photograph them.
Thanks Lawton, Lisa and Nolan

Lisa: "I enjoy taking him outside and look at the trees...he seems to be so amazed by it"

About 10 - 15 minutes into shoot, Nolan started to get tired and what happens when a baby get's tired, he starts to cry and that's what's going on here.

Once Nolan started crying, Lawton sprang into action. Like a Dad's who's been through this battle before, he broke out in a song and dance routine.
"The itsy, bitsy spider, went up the water spout, down came the rain..."

"and washed the spider out. Out came the sun and dried up all the rain..."

"...and the itsy, bitsy spider went up the spout again."
It worked like a charm.
Note: It almost worked on me!

Lisa: "...I love to hold him close and kiss him"

Me and Mommy

Lawton: "...[Nolan's birth] has caused me to reprioritize my life. It made me realize how selfish that I really and how I need to give up a lot of my own ambitions, so that my son can grow up to be a man of God."

Lisa" "Having Nolan has opened my eyes to so many things. First thing that I understood was the love that God has for His children, unconditionally, unending and selfless love"
Lawton: "...since Nolan was born. It made more conscious of all the little things that I say and do may have an influence on him as a person in the future. It's made me want to be the best person that I can be for my family"

Me and Grandma Su

Hand in Hand

Lisa: "Being a mom is the most life giving experience I've ever had...he [Nolan] pushed me to be not a perfect mom, but the best mom that I can be."

Lisa, Grandma Su and Nolan

I think Nolan is trying to tell me something, after having me stick my camera in his face for two hours. :)

Lawton: "Being a father...made me appreciate all of the things that my earthly parents have done and sacrificed for me. It's also made me appreciate how much our heavenly father loves us as well."

Thanks Lawton, Lisa and Nolan.

Nolan Benjamin Chiu
1 comment:
amazing pics jeff! thanks again! God has blessed you with a great set of eyes to capture the moment.
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