Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Miya Jane Chen

Miya Jane Chen said hello to the world on October 20, 2008.

I had the pleasure of spending a Saturday morning with Eric, Sherri, Daniel and Miya. The birth of Miya has filled their family with even more joy and laughter and it is evident in their smiles and laughter throughout the photo shoot.

The first thing I noticed about Miya was her beautiful name. Miya in Japanese means "temple". Eric and Sherri wants Miya to be a "temple" for the Lord to dwell in. Her name also links Miya to Sherri's Japanese heritage. Miya's middle name, Jane, is Eric's tribute to his mom. Eric and Sherri were kind enough to share some thoughts with me about Miya and what her birth has meant to them.

Eric: I was very happy to find out we were having a girl. I'm excited to be able to experience both raising a son and now a daughter. It's a little too soon to see her personality develop but I know for sure she is the sweetest little baby girl.

Sherri: When I first found out we were having a girl, I was really nervous. A girl? Thoughts of a rather difficult childhood from my past brought upon a fear. How can I equip her with what she needs to become a secure woman?

Eric: It's going to be so much fun being her daddy. I can't wait to take her on daddy/daughter dates, to show her how to be treated and give her the confidence and strength as a Godly woman in an ever changing world.

Eric: One day I'll have to walk her down the aisle. I hope I can anyway. I don't know if I can hold it together emotionally on that day, but I pray that I will do the best job as a father so that one day she can find a man that will love her as much as I do and take care of her as I do. But be warned to all future suitors, I'm setting that bar really, really high!!

Sherri: When Miya was born, she just melted my heart. I reminded myself that she is a gift from God....and if He trusted me with his child, then maybe I should too.

Sherri: Miya brings serene calmness into my life. A gentle reminder that life can be so simple and beautiful, a true gift of love and peace.

Big Brother..Little Sister

In the middle of the shoot, Daniel decided to offer me some popcorn.

Mmmm...crunch, crunch...mmmm

Eric, the Chinese Patrick Roy (pronounced [ʁwa], not Roy), is teaching Daniel the finer points of intimidation. If you can't read lips, Daniel is telling me, "If you don't put that camera down, next thing you will see is my little mug up close and it's not to say Howdy." Scary! :)




The Chen's

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